
independent Living and Community Engagement

Civic Engagement

Civic engagement includes activities such as participation and leadership in assisting organizations, groups, and individuals in one’s community. This type of connection and participation can benefit both the student and their community as this engagement can provide a means for young adults to learn about the workings of their community and contribute to it.

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Civic engagement actions

first images of Civic engagement actions
second images of Civic engagement actions

Membership and leadership in civic engagement actions can take many forms for students as new contributing members.

  • Includes engagement in community clubs, organizations, schools, social groups and faith based organizations
  • Supports networking with people in your community who have similar interests
  • Facilitates service learning
  • Increases potential for acquisition of work skills and friendships
Video Explainatory Icon

Check out this video from Everyone Votes PA!

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Civic engagement Benefits

Results of participation in civic engagement

  • Helps one give back to the community
  • Gives you a sense of civic pride
  • Gives a sense of pride and belonging in your workplace and community
  • Assist one in voting and having a voice in government
  • Builds a sense of value in your community
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Why Should Students Learn Civic Engagement Skills?

When students learn civic engagement skills they benefit from:

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Volunteer Experiences

Joining organizations, groups, and causes in the community that align with their interests and beliefs.

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Advocacy Skills

Learning to use speaking, writing, and leadership skills to help others.

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Learning about how to sign up to vote and understanding how local, state, and federal government work.

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Leadership Skills

Understanding how rights, goals and needs of your community or groups can influence change.

Career Interested


Learn more about Accessible Voting in PA!



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Want to Learn PA Secondary

Want to learn more?

Check out this resource from the U.S. Department of Education

Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen