
On-going and age-appropriate transition planning is informed by thoughtfully chosen assessments that will guide teams in supporting transition age students in developing independence which will inform their selection and accomplishment of career and adult-living goals. Transition teams should also engage families in the assessment process and follow-up planning as early and as often as possible to support their student.

Through the use of age appropriate transition assessments, teams will be informed in the development of the following:​​

    • Present level of academic achievement and functional performance statements that address transition and have sufficient information to write measurable post-secondary goals.​​
    • Post-secondary services that enable the student to make progress in their skill development that will increase the likelihood of achieving the post-secondary goals.
    • An individualized and supportive course of study that is aligned with the student’s post-secondary goals and a skill-based annual goal that addresses transition.​
    • PA selection of appropriate transition services, & activities​ including engagement of families, employers, and community partnerships.
PA Youth Audience

Use our assessment finder to help find assessments to support the development of strong transition plans for your student:​​

Refine Your Search

IEP teams are encouraged to use one of the tools below as they consider using or purchasing transition assessments to ensure they are addressing the needs of their students.

PA Youth Audience

Transition Assessment Mapping Guide

This tool can help LEAs map district wide available assessments across grade levels.

PA Youth Audience

Individual Student Transition Plan Form

This is a great tool from Transition Coalition, which can assist IEP teams determine what information is already known about a student, what information needs to be known, and what types of assessments need to be administered to get this information.

PA Youth Audience

Transition Assessment Review Tool

IEP teams can use this tool as they consider using or purchasing new transition assessments to ensure that they are meeting the needs of their student population.